Need help with your Vexus Service? Our local support team is here to help.Explanation of Taxes, Surchcarges & Fees
Below you will find explanation of taxes, fees and other surcharges that may appear on your NTS bill. Click on any of the options below to see the full description.
This charge funds free 911 calls from pay phones and helps pay for enhanced 911, (which allows a street address to be determined for callers through their phone line).
Access Recovery Charge
The Access Recovery Fee is charged to Vexus’ residential and business voice customers in order to offset increased costs that have resulted from recent FCC orders which have reduced the rates that Vexus is able to charge other carriers to terminate calls to Vexus’ customers.
Administration Fee
A monthly, per invoice fee assessed on all of Vexus’ retail Customers (including but not limited to Customers who subscribe to local, long distance, and/or internet services) to offset cost increases in paper, sorting, postage, and credit card, manual and ACH payment processing costs that the company incurs to bill, collect and process payments from customers.
Annual Subscriber Fee for Video Services
An annual fee collected and remitted to the FCC. All cable television systems must pay this regulatory fee per video subscriber for all communities served.
Broadcast Fee
The Vexus Broadcast Fee is a broadcast TV surcharge that is applied to all Vexus video customer accounts who subscribe to local broadcast TV channels. The purpose of this fee is to partially offset the increasing annual costs charged by the owners of broadcast TV stations to Vexus to retransmit the programs created by those broadcast TV stations to our customers. Click here to learn more.
Convenience Fee
For bill payments that are processed by an Vexus customer service representative over the telephone, a Convenience Fee of $1.99 will be charged to your account.
Vexus does not charge a convenience fee for most bill payment options. There is no charge to use any one of Vexus’ other convenient payment options including making a payment online or mailing in your payment. Vexus accepts Visa®, Mastercard ®, Discover®, and payments by bank check anytime 24/7/356 online at
Federal Excise Tax
A 3 percent tax mandated by the federal government levied on all telecommunications services. It was instituted in 1898 as a “temporary” tax to offset the cost of the Spanish American War. Applies to local charges, non-regulated charges and toll charges.
Federal Universal Service Fee
The USF is a fund that helps bring affordable basic phone service to all Americans, including schools, libraries and rural health care providers. Wireless, payphone and some long distance companies add this surcharge to cover their required support for the fund.
Late Fee
Vexus Service is billed in advance of the month in which the service is provided with respect to monthly recurring service charges and equipment charges (if any), including all applicable fees, taxes, regulatory fees, franchise fees, surcharges and other government assessments. Failure to receive a bill does not release the customer from the obligation to pay. Bills are due and payable by the due date that is indicated on the bill. Any bill which is not paid by the due date shall be considered delinquent. Delinquent bills will incur a Late Fee and could result in termination of service.
Local Number Portability Charge
The FCC requires all local phone companies to make numbers portable from carrier to carrier so that customers can keep their phone numbers even if they switch local carriers. Companies are allowed the surcharge to recover investments in the necessary equipment upgrades.
Monthly Subscriptions
Your monthly subscription to the Vexus services that you subscribe to begins on your start of service date and renews on a monthly basis thereafter until canceled by you. If your subscription renews on a day not contained in a given month, we will bill you, and your service period begins, as of the last day of such month. The subscription fee for Service(s) will be billed at the beginning of your service month and each month thereafter unless and until you cancel your subscription. PAYMENTS ARE NONREFUNDABLE AND THERE ARE NO REFUNDS OR CREDITS FOR PARTIALLY USED SUBSCRIPTION PERIODS.
You may cancel your subscription for a service period up to the last day of the service period prior to the service period that you wish to cancel, and the
cancellation will be effective at the end of the then-current billing period. Any request for cancellation after the commencement of a service period will be effective at the end of the then-current service period. Access to the Services will, if possible, continue to be provided at the location ordered or, if you move, to your new location if in a Vexus-served area (subject to any installation charges).
Municipal Franchise Right-Of-Way
Compensates the municipalities for the use of public rights-of-way.
Network Access Fee
The Network Access Fee provides access to the Vexus network and technology and enables us to continue to invest in our network and infrastructure to deliver the best technology and services to our customers.
Regulatory Cost Recovery Fee
A monthly, per invoice fee assessed on all of Vexus’ retail Customers (including but not limited to Customers who subscribe to local, long distance, and/or internet services) for the purpose of recovering administrative costs incurred by the Company to comply with State and Federal regulatory obligations.
Sports Programming Fee
The Vexus Sports Programming fee is a TV surcharge that is applied to all Vexus video customer accounts who subscribe to sports networks. The purpose of this fee is to partially offset the increasing annual costs charged by the owners of sports-related stations and networks to Vexus to provide this programming to our customers. Click here to learn more.
State and Local Sales Tax
State and local tax combined cannot exceed 8.25%. Applies to local charges, and non-regulated and toll charges.
Subscriber Line Charge
Created and regulated by the FCC – allows local phone companies to recover percentage of costs associated with interstate access to local phone networks. It may also appear as “FCC Charge for Network Access” or Federal Line Cost Charge.”
Tech Assure
Tech Assure covers any service calls or repairs to all Vexus-Fiber-owned equipment. If it’s our equipment or our wiring, inside or outside your home, we’ll fix it or replace it, and make sure it’s working optimally at no additional cost to you. Tech Assure is reflected on your invoice in the amount of up to $12.95 per month and cannot be waived.
Texas Infrastructure Fund
Funds the provision of advanced telecommunications services to public schools, hospitals and libraries. Such funds are distributed trough grants and loans.
Texas Universal Service
This is a fund that allows affordable service to high-cost rural customers, funds the Relay Texas and Specialized Telecommunications Assistance program for the hearing-disabled, and funds telecommunications services discounts to low income customers (Tel-Assistance and Lifeline).
Utility Gross Receipts Assessment
Fee paid to Texas Government to fund the PUC and the Office of Public Utility Council (OPUC).